Adapt and Convert: Guide to Plugging in on the Road
By Christopher Elliott When John Gasink plugged his continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device into a power outlet at the Heidelberg Marriott Hotel, he was in for a shock. So were many of the hotel’s guests.
Quirky Airport Amenities — Beyond Duty Free
Think your airport is just a place to board planes? Think again. Airports, where the average traveler spends 137 minutes per trip lining up, sitting down, pacing, waiting … and waiting for their plane to start boarding are now becoming destinations in their own right –hubs of shopping, stylish dining, entertainment, exercise, even pampering. This […]
Inns of the Sixth Happiness: Six Senses Opens in Bhutan
If happiness is a place, it would have to be Bhutan — a protected mountain kingdom wedged between India and China that bills itself as the home of happiness. It is into this Buddhist Shangri-La of 20,000-foot mountain peaks and subtropical plains that Six Senses Resorts & Spas is opening its next homage to the […]
Dark Tourism: Where to Find the Light of the Universe
Dark Tourism, a term more recently associated with quirky destinations associated with death and dying thanks to a trendy Netflix series, is now becoming popular with an unlikely fan base: families. That’s because the term is taken for its more literal locution as a place where light is at its slightest and dark skies full […]
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