Hobbit’s Tale Becomes New Zealand Trail
“The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” opens wide on December 14. It’s the next in a series of New Line Cinema’s Tolkien-related productions that have come out since 2001 and the first of the Hobbit-specific genre. And it all happens in New Zealand. Peter Jackson’s 70 or so chosen locations for this film spread for […]
Travel Agent Survey: Advice Trumps Price
By Lark Ellen Gould When it comes to planning a vacation what wields more weight in determining whether customers get what they want: Price or Advice? If you ask travel agents at the Ensemble Travel Group, they will tell you – you guessed it – price may be queen but product and destination knowledge is […]
Travel Industry Mantra: Change or Die
Change or die. That’s the chorus of an industry spinning out in too much motion. And it was also the wisdom that came out of a sobering talk given to travel agents at ITB Asia last month in Singapore. Delivering the news was Adrian Caruso, CEO of TAFastrack a digital marketing firm in Australia that […]
Travel Deals, Discounts, Packages for Oct. 22
Every other week Travel-Intel brings the latest deals on travel from destinations and resorts all over the world.
Air, Hotel Rates Rise as Business Travel Slows
By Lark Ellen Gould Two new studies are predicting rises in hotel and airline rates and a slightly expanded, but notably sluggish, growth in the corporate travel sector. Egencia, a formidable travel management company owned by Expedia, recently unveiled its 2013 Global Corporate Travel Forecast for air fares and hotel rates and found Average Ticket […]
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