Rovos Rail takes its train through Africa
If traveling were to be calculated by dollars per distance traveled what countries would be found as the most expensive in the world to navigate? What countries could be considered the cheapest? Whether by backpack or personal entourage GoEuro, an online platform that compares trips by trains, planes and bus lines through Europe, sought to find the answers. The company surveyed travel costs across 51 countries and five continents and this is what it found.
The most expensive country for transport overall is Switzerland, where bus journeys cost $18.67/100km; train journeys $38.28/100km; and flights cost $125.07/100km.
The cheapest country for transport overall is South Africa, where an average bus journey costs $3.67/100km; train journeys cost $1.88/100km; and flights cost just $11.63/100km.
The U.S.? That comes out right in the middle: the 22nd least expensive of the 51. On average, in the US, bus journeys cost $7.92/100km; train journeys $18.61/100km; and flights $10.36/100km.
When it comes to transportation broken down and indexed by type, the cheapest countries for train travel turn out to be South Africa ($1.88/100km), Georgia ($2.39/100km) and Egypt ($2.49/100km). Not surprisingly, the most expensive are Denmark ($39.84/100km), Switzerland ($38.28/100km) and Austria ($32.16/100km).
The cheapest countries for bus travel are Egypt ($1.88/100km), Ukraine ($3.07/100km) and Thailand ($3.11/100km). The most expensive are Netherlands ($28.58/100km), Austria ($23.45/100km) and Norway ($21.61/100km).
The cheapest countries for air travel are India ($10.36/100km), Malaysia ($11.43/100km) and South Africa ($11.63/100km). The most expensive are Finland ($138.90/100km), Switzerland ($125.07/100km) and Lithuania ($116.72/100km).
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