AirHelp: Finding Money in the Chaos of Flying
My story is not unusual. I was heading home from the island of Mallorca last October. There was nothing brewing in the weather and, indeed, the waves of tourists that summer brings were long gone. I headed to the low-cost carrier I was taking back to Los Angeles, checked in, snaked through security, made it […]

Stuck at the Airport or Struck by the Travel Curse?
Sweaty palms at the airport? Has the light, now heavy, snow shower grounded your flight … again? If so, you may be one of the one in seven Americans that feel they’ve been struck by the “travel curse.” A new study looking at the travel experiences of some 2,000 Americans determined that 14 percent seem […]

Following the Money — Simplifying Payment Systems in Travel
As technology and banking become better bedfellows, new methods of thinking about the banking process have allowed such companies as ConnexPay to create newer, simpler and, often less expensive ways of processing transactions. This is especially true in the areas of travel and e-commerce. We sat down with Bob Kaufman, founder and CEO of ConnexPay, […]

How to Build a $Million Travel Business
Building a million dollar travel business is not unlike building a million dollar empire in any industry. It takes time, it takes a village. It takes grit. But in the travel business there are many paths to building revenue and sales. Avoya Travel released insights last week from its 2019 Wave Season Survey of top […]

Adapt and Convert: Guide to Plugging in on the Road
By Christopher Elliott When John Gasink plugged his continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device into a power outlet at the Heidelberg Marriott Hotel, he was in for a shock. So were many of the hotel’s guests.
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