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Welcome Travel Agent! Add yourself to our Travel Agent Specialist Directory, or edit your existing listing. For Travel agents who specialize in specific activities or locations.
Forgot Your Pin - wish to make changes -Copy your listing & make a changes in Red e-mail

Example Listing in the Travel Agent Specialist Directory:

Mathew Adams
Tropical Vacations
Africa Specialist
Box 811
Kenyatta Ave
Nairobi, 00100 Kenya
Phone: 254 721 261 674
Fax:       254 020 249 363
An adventure holiday company specialised in African safaris, honeymoon packages to the Indian Ocean Islands, incentives and business travel in Africa and beyond!

1) Edit an Existing Listing

If you have previously registered as a Travel Agent Specialist on our website, please enter your email address that you registered with, and your PIN code in the form to the left.

Email Address:
4-Digit PIN Code:   I forgot my PIN code

2) New Agent Registration
Please fill out all of the fields below. Once you submit the information, your listing will be reviewed by our staff before being made public in our directory. When typing in your comments, please take care to use proper English grammar and punctuation, such as capital letters when necessary, and periods at the end of a sentence.

*Your First Name:
*Your Last Name:
*Phone Number:
Include country code, IE: +1-555-623-8345
Fax Number:
Include country code, IE: +1-555-623-8345
*Email Address:
Full address, IE:
Web Site:
Agency Name:
Agency Address:
*City / Region:
*State / Province:
*Postal Code:

*Your Specialty
Please choose your specialty from the list below. If you strongly believe that your specialty does not fall into one of the pre-defined categories, you may suggest a new specialty to be included with your listing.
*PIN Code:  
Please choose a 4-Digit number to use as your PIN code (such as the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number or License number). You will be asked to use this code when you want to edit your listing.

Description & Comments
You may add up to 150 words to describe who you are and what you do. Please read our disclaimer.

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