Tour Operator: American Council for International Studies
Tour Information:
Since 1978 providing middle school students, high school students, and adults with international travel experiences that educate and inform.
COMPANY HQ: United States
DESTINATION(S): Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, England, Finland, France, Galapagos Islands, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland (Eire), Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey
LANGUAGE(S): English
Contact Information:
Related Tour Categories:
choir, UK, highschool, choral, chorus, teachers, geography, students, study, Scandinavia, groups, tours, Great Britain, history, teenagers, studies, music, high school, educational, languages, art, teens