Tour Operator: Hidden Trails Equestrian and Outdoor Vacation Specialist
Tour Information:
Choose from cattle or horse drives, wilderness pack trips, inn to inn rides and riding clinics. Explore the Monument Valley, the Grand Canyon or the Redwood Forest ... Or join one of our guided cycling, kayaking, hiking or multi sport trips in North America.
COMPANY HQ: United States
DESTINATION(S): Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Wyoming
LANGUAGE(S): English
Contact Information:
Related Tour Categories:
horseback, working ranches, canoeing, short getaways, walking tours, wilderness rides, horseriding, trail rides, gaited horse trips, Bicycling Tours
MultiSport Tours, cattle drives, Quebec, Yukon, riding clinics, equestrian clinics, whitewater, Saskatchewan, Hiking Tours, adventure, Yellowstone, Hiking, family, Yosemite, women only, cross country rides, dude ranches, pack trips, Equitour, multisport, horseback riding, Banff National Park, Pegasus, Monument Valley, wilderness adventures, wagon treks, covered wagons, tours, horse drives, horsetreks, improve your riding, climbing, sailing, riding, rafting, Alberta, guest ranches, walking, equestrian, cattle round up, sea kayaking, inn to inn rides, fishing, British Columbia, cowgirl camp, trail rides